Monthly Archives: July 2008

Looking forward to August

With August comes a new, more interesting job, a big community bdsm party with guest speakers from all over, the beginning of a volunteer career coaching soccer, and hopefully a renewal of the joie de vivre of life at house Daedalus.  

Not that the girls have been anything but wonderful, but this extended period without work has worn on me, especially the financial aspect.  And E has been going through some burnout of his own with work, school and our social schedule.

Now E will have a few weeks off school between semesters, I have time to shake the rust off my developer boots and emmie, mitda and I some time to prepare before we start coaching soccer together.

It’s gonna be fun!

Birthday to Me

mitda and emmie, with the help of a few of our friends, threw me a wonderful suprise birthday party on Sunday.  mitda prepared English style food and a surprisingly high number of people from our social circle showed up, especially given it was a Sunday night.

It helps to remember things like this, and all the responsibilities that go with my lifestyle, on those days where it seems like 40 years is enough time to have utilized the planet’s resources for one person.  Disappointments come and go, along with celebrations, but responsibilities remain, and unlimited responsibility is something I have taken on and endeavour to fulfill.

Trust or Detente?

“The most important thing about the malcontent, is that he is malcontent—unhappy, unsettled, displeased with the world as he sees it—not at ease with the world in which he finds himself, eager to change it somehow, or to dispute with it.”

Unfortunately, like any community, ours has a few malcontents.  People who are simply dislikable and therefore disliked, and who then get upset that they aren’t considered for leadership roles etc.  Most of our community is based on trust, trust that we are in this scene together and therefore won’t fuck with each other’s lives, but with these malcontents trust has to turn into detente, where the only trust is that if you fuck with my house I’ll bomb the shit out of yours.

Happy 1st or 4th

Yes I’m wishing a happy July 1st to those in Canada and 4th to those in the US.

We’ve been rather busy of late and I haven’t kept up with any blogging whatsoever.  Last weekend we went swimming with a couple in the scene, their kids, and emmie’s son.  It was interesting doing something so vanilla with people one knows primarily in the kink scene.  What does one talk about when kids are around?  The night before that we attended a party at a small ranch (quite a pretty one, with orchards newly planted).  emmie was a little sad that she and I didn’t get a chance to play but we somewhat made up for that last night at a friend’s apartment.

Good friends of ours are thinking of leaving the scene, after having their names etc. posted to a public forum by people with a axe to grind.  I hope they decide to stay but I can understand their reasons for deciding to be more private.